Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Day 3 of R&R

Here are a few images from a church fire today. What a sad thing to witness, the pain, sadness, despair, tears but I saw a great spirit in these folks. Immediately they began the process of rebuilding, I saw a few smiles, that inner joy from the Lord started to shine through. I noticed the church sign read "God's strength is best seen in our weekness" When these guys are finished rebuilding it will be bigger and better than ever, bank on it.
P.S. I also met a local photographer named D.C. good fellow.....keep up the good work D.C.


Anonymous said...

You are supposed to be on vacation. What are you doing out chasing fires. Did you submit any to the local paper. This is a really great series.

mike said...

that is vacation ron, na i didnt submit anything, but it really was a moving morning

wolf4997 said...

Wow. Those are some excellent photos. A lot of emotion captured. Nice job.